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Glen Obear
Glen Obear, Director of Research, Development, & Innovation (RDI)

Have you ever wondered what happens at a turfgrass research facility? Walk through the O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research & Education Facility with Glen Obear to learn about the facility and Exacto’s involvement there.

Glen provides insight into some of Exacto’s research at the facility including adjuvant usage with fungicide, wetting agent testing, and more. Partnering with excellent facilities like the O.J. Noer is one of the ways Exacto puts lab-tested products to the test before putting it to use in real-world turf and ornamental applications.

The O.J. Noer facility has a broad variety of turf types, soil types, and microenvironments and a presence of diseases including dollar spot, pythium, brown patch, localized dry spot (LDS), and others common to the Midwest. Specialized irrigation systems help with creating the perfect testing environment for wetting agent studies.

The O.J. Noer Turfgrass Facility is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin Madison’s Turfgrass Program and the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association.

Why Exacto Shares Turf and Ornamental Research Initiatives

Exacto’s mission is to empower applicators, growers, and resource managers with advanced product solutions so they can operate successfully and sustainably. Sharing insights like this provides turf and ornamental managers with behind-the-scenes information to better understand agronomic chemical products.

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